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诗文 embroidered eyelets cake

embroidered eyelets cake

embroidered eyelets cake的用料

cake 2 yellow fondant 400g
white fondant 50g royal icing 50g

embroidered eyelets cake的做法


make 5 inch cake.and 9 inch cake,than cover with sugar paste. color for some yellow paste to make embroidered eyelets.
embroidered eyelets cake的做法图解2


roll out a strip of yellow paste at least 10 cm wide 30 cm long.using cutter to cut the wide scalloped edge shape at one side of strip(扇形边缘).using tube to cut four hole in a diamond shape along the length on one side. stick the strip around the cake with edible glue but need edge hang below .(倒挂扇形边缘)then around will need enough strips to go around cake. this is first layer on cake.
embroidered eyelets cake的做法图解3


roll out 5 cm wide strip from flower paste.using cutter to cut the narrow scalloped edge sharp at both side of .using tube to cut hole between two scalloped edge along the length on both side., using ribbon tool mark 6 mm wide 15 mm long and hollow it and 15 mm apart in the middle of strip. stick the strip around cake with edible glue .you will need enough strips to go around cake. this is second layer on cake.
embroidered eyelets cake的做法图解4


color the remaining flower paste until you have a stronger color.roll out thinly strip then cut 5 mm wide 18 mm long ribbon to wrap around . cake. using the ribbon tool and some edible glue, attach each thin rectangular(长方形)on the cake.the middle of each piece should not touch the cake.and should be slightly curved(轻轻的弯曲)that insert in and out. this is on second layer cake. 
embroidered eyelets cake的做法图解5


make bow, for loop , 10 cm long 5 mm wide strip ,with both end turn in the center(两边朝 中间弯成圈并粘在中间) for knot, use 2 cm strip warp around the center and join at back with edible glue. for tail, use 15 cm long strip and twist them around slightly to fail and stick onto cake for last step. the bow simple replace a section where the inserted ribbon would be place. the bow should be put on second cake.
embroidered eyelets cake的做法图解6


roll out some strips of yellow paste at least 5 cm wide 30 cm long. using cutter to cut a wide scalloped edge shape at one side of strip.. but this time using small tube to cut four holes in a diamond shape along the length at one side. stick the strip with edible glue around the cake .you will need enough strips to go around cake. this on third layer on cake.
embroidered eyelets cake的做法图解7


using small piping bag and fill it with white royal icing .piping around the outline of scalloped edge and eyelet.piping tiny dot at alternate point along inside.piping each insert of slits.


embroidered eyelets cake的烹饪技巧





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