诗文 | Turkey Pho (火鸡米粉汤) |
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Turkey Pho (火鸡米粉汤)最近一直在一家国外的美食网站看他们的美食,看到有好多都让人馋得流口水啊!这快到感恩节了,翻译了一道汤,对于咱们冬天这个季节喝是最合适不过了!这道汤里面的材料也很丰富~当主食也是可以的!原著是:WinnieAb 火鸡米粉汤的做法![]() 步骤1 将所有主料、香料、调料都准备好![]() 步骤2 First:Toast the spices 烘香料(炒香料) Heat a cast-iron skillet or frying pan over medium heat. Add the coriander seeds, cloves, star anise, and cinnamon stick and toast until fragrant, about 3-4 minutes. Immediately spoon out the spices into a bowl to avoid burning them and set aside 将锅(铁铸锅或者是平底锅)用中火烧热,将香菜籽、丁香粒、八角和桂皮翻炒出香味,大概3-4分钟。然后将这个香料快速的盛出道入碗中![]() 步骤3 将紫甘蓝,香葱,香菜等辅料都准备好![]() 步骤4 把火鸡肉手撕成鸡丝,不用太细![]() 步骤5 In a large pot, add the toasted spices and all ingredients from stock through fish sauce and bring to a boil 准备一个大点的锅,倒入炒好的香料、配料和鸡汤,加入鱼露,煮至沸腾![]() 步骤6 Reduce the heat to medium-low and let simmer for 20 minutes, skimming the surface frequently 将火调至中火,炖20分钟左右,期间时不时的撇去浮沫![]() 步骤7 Taste the broth and add more sugar or fish sauce, if needed. Strain the broth and discard the solids. Add the kale and cook for 1-2 more minutes. Remove from heat 尝试一下汤的味道,如果觉得淡可以适量多加些红糖或者是鱼露,然后加入紫甘蓝煮1-2分钟,关火![]() 步骤8 Add the shredded turkey and the cellophane noodles. Allow to sit for a few minutes while the noodles soften 加入撕好的火鸡肉和米粉,直至米粉软化![]() 步骤9 Ladle the broth into bowls. Divide the kale, shredded turkey and the noodles evenly into each bowl 将汤倒入汤碗内,如果煮的多几个人吃的话,可以将汤内的料均匀的放在每一个碗内,浇上汤碗内的汤![]() 步骤10 Sprinkle on the garnishes and add sriracha to taste. Squeeze lime juice to taste over the top of your bowl before eating 撒点葱花和香叶作为装饰,如果喜欢可以加入少量的辣椒酱,最后在吃之前挤些柠檬汁,味道会更好火鸡米粉汤的烹饪技巧这是飞儿第一次翻译菜谱~水平有限!木有英文的部分是我的“啰嗦贴士”,我尽量用简练的语言翻译了,在海外滴朋友们看了后别吐艳啊,如哪部分有缺陷,请告知我哦~我及时修改顺便学习咯!嘿…… |
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