诗词 | 子夜四时歌:春歌 李白 |
释义 | 子夜四时歌:春歌 年代:【唐】 作者:【李白】 体裁:【乐府】 类别:【】 秦地罗敷女,采桑绿水边。 素手青条上,红妆白日鲜。 蚕饥妾欲去,五马莫留连。 【注释】 《汉官仪》:四马载车,此常礼也,惟太守出,则增一马,故称五马。 BALLADS OF FOUR SEASONS: SPRING The lovely Lo Fo of the western land Plucks mulberry leaves by the waterside. Across the green boughs stretches out her white hand; In golden sunshine her rosy robe is dyed. "my silkworms are hungry, I cannot stay. Tarry not with your five-horse cab, I pray." 【出处】唐诗三百首,全唐诗:卷21_7全唐诗:卷165_27 |
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