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诗文 jelly and custard cheesecake

jelly and custard cheesecake

jelly and custard cheesecake的用料

for the top jelly package(strawberry) 1
vanilla 1tea whipper cream 150ml
half strawberry 8 wafer biscuit 200g
melt butter 60g gelatin 4片 
mascarpond cheese 250g cream cheese 300g
sugar 100g custard powder 1ta
for filling  

jelly and custard cheesecake的做法


prepare jelly, according to package of jelly instruction and stir in vanilla into liquid.pour into mould(模具) and chill for overnight. leave to set. .


for base, put biscuit in a plastic bag crush with rolling pin. transfer it in a bowl and stir in melt it into cake pan using back of spoon until tightly complete.


for filling, soak gelatin in water until they are soft. put together the cream cheese,mascarpone cheese,and sugar in a bowl to whisk until light and creamy.this call cheese mixture.


take out a few cheese mixture in a bowl set over another pan with simmer water and get warm(隔水加温)add into custard powder or( vanilla pudding mix) and whisk until mixing well.squeeze gelatinwater, add into and stir until gelatine dissolved. .then put back to cheese mixture and mixing well .passing it through strainer.(网过滤). beat until smooth and slightly thick.pour it over base and chill in refrigerator for 3-4 hours until you set. .


when you ready to serve, remove cheesecake from pan ,and transfer the cheesecake to plate. remove jello from the mold.invert jello on middle of cheesecake.pipe whipped cream like star around the edge of cheesecake.then pipe a little into center of jello.and place half strawberry between jelly and whipped cream. and straight away. .

jelly and custard cheesecake的烹饪技巧





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