诗词 | 晨诣超师院读禅经 柳宗元 |
释义 | 晨诣超师院读禅经 年代:【唐】 作者:【柳宗元】 体裁:【五古】 类别:【】 汲井漱寒齿,清心拂尘服。 闲持贝叶书,步出东斋读。 真源了无取,妄迹世所逐。 遗言冀可冥,缮性何由熟。 道人庭宇静,苔色连深竹。 日出雾露馀,青松如膏沐。 澹然离言说,悟悦心自足。 【注释】 1、贝叶书:在贝多树叶上写的佛经。 2、冥:暗合; 3、缮:修持。 4、膏沐:本指润发的油脂。 5、澹然:宁静状。 【简析】: 写出晨读禅经的情景和感受,曲折地表达了埋藏在心底的抑郁之情,如同苏轼所说:“寄至味于澹泊。?这是一首抒写感想的抒情诗。诗的内容是抒发了诗人的哲学见解。前半部写他到 禅院读经,指责世人追逐的乃是那些荒诞的事情,而不去了解佛经的真正含义。后半 部写他认为佛家的精义与儒家之道有相通之处,但如何修养本性,却难以精熟。然 而,他对禅院的清静幽雅却流连玩赏。 ?READING BUDDHIST CLASSICS WITH ZHAO AT HIS TEMPLE IN THE EARLY MORNING I clean my teeth in water drawn from a cold well; And while I brush my clothes, I purify my mind; Then, slowly turning pages in the Tree-Leaf Book, I recite, along the path to the eastern shelter. ...The world has forgotten the true fountain of this teaching And people enslave themselves to miracles and fables. Under the given words I want the essential meaning, I look for the simplest way to sow and reap my nature. Here in the quiet of the priest's templecourtyard, Mosses add their climbing colour to the thick bamboo; And now comes the sun, out of mist and fog, And pines that seem to be new-bathed; And everything is gone from me, speech goes, and reading, Leaving the single unison. 【出处】唐诗三百首 |
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